In preparation for beach week, I window shopped every website's clearance/sale section for swimsuits every chance I had, but none of them had XS tops or bottoms. I've always been jealous of my friends' Victoria's Secret bikinis because they weren't the typical swimsuit design you could get at a department store, but I was never willing to pay the high costs for one of my own. As a result, I never thought of looking at the VS website, but it ended up being the only store with my size. Not only did it have my size, but it had my size at an affordable price! VS had a special promotion during the time when I bought my mix & match bikini: Buy $40 in swim and get free shipping. I was very tempted by this deal, but I ended up saving $20-$30 even with shipping and tax by purchasing these two items for only $15.98: #smartshoppingdoneright
Bandeu Top: $9.99
Double String Bottom: $5.99